On Thursday, January 31, 2019 Sapientia attorney Amy Gernon will co-present “Diversity & the Predicament of Good Intentions: Lessons from an Anthropologist”
Sapientia attorney Amy Gernon will co-present “Diversity & the Predicament of Good Intentions: Lessons from an Anthropologist” on Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 3:30pm, an event sponsored by Minnesota Women Lawyers. Sapientia Law Group will host a reception after the event. Event space is limited. To register click here
We think we understand diversity and know how to engage with it. But if we don’t take the time to think about diversity in complex ways, we risk unintentionally trafficking in the exact patterns we seek to avoid. Using an anthropological lens, we’ll discuss legal initiatives and case studies to find ways to overcome the predicament of good intentions.